Enriching Continuing Education for Nurses

Award Winning Nurse Experts

Our instructors are experienced clinical experts in their specialties and provide unique valuable insight with the continuing education we offer.

We actively work as nurses and want to help other nurses practice and live their lives at the highest level.

Prefer FREE Enrichment?

Download The Enriched Nurse Starter Kit!

Learn about the Enriched Nurse Story, Philosophy, and how to get started on your path to Financial Independence. PLUS the Financial Vitals & Net Worth Tracker!

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Our courses include NCPD/ANCC HOURS

Look for the statement:

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by Oregon Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.”

"The Enriched Nurse is here to help nurses everywhere better understand their personal finances and unique potential through actionable, high-quality education."

- Dan Richmond

The Enriched Nurse CE Courses are here to provide high quality, ANCC Approved Continuing Education to enrich your personal finances, nursing career, and life.

With ANCC approved hours, you can GET PAID and REIMBURSED for the course costs by your employer. Learn from us with confidence that our education meets the highest nursing CE standards.

Our education focuses on providing you with actionable and practical nursing related content to advance your skills and knowledge with high quality video, writing, and audio.

Our content is created to enhance your nursing practice in unique ways and ranges from professional development in wellness domains like financial well-being to specialty clinical topics like vascular access and lactation consulting.

Transform Your Finances & Life With Our Flagship Course!

The ONLY comprehensive, self-paced, financial literacy course designed to take you from struggling nurse to designing and implementing a plan to build wealth and be financially well with ANCC CE HOURS,

Sure you could scour the internet for conflicting and free advice. You could listen to poor audio and powerpoint style courses. You could pay thousands in fees and lost returns to hire an expert to still leave you unclear and unconfident. You could waste tons of time and potentially learn from your own mistakes.


You can use our use proven strategies and learn how to do it yourself or use experts effectively using your current benefits and skills as a nurse!

PLUS you may be able to get PAID and REIMBURSED using EMPLOYER FUNDS?

Most women REGRET not learning to invest and manage their finances better sooner. Don't be one of them!

Don't just take my word for it...

I have gone through many ups and downs financially in my life, making some wise and some not so great decisions with money. At this point in my life, I am ready to make consistently sound financial decisions for my family's future. I am ready to have more freedom and flexibility with my time as I value this more and more. While I wish I would have had the knowledge in this course sooner, I am grateful for it now. I am excited to learn how to move forward from the not so great choices and become empowered in how to invest my hard earned money more effectively. Dan has walked the walk for a long time and is a wealth of information for his colleagues. He truly wants to see other nurses succeed and have time for themselves and their families in the midst of pursuing a rewarding career. The in-depth and multidimensional nature of this course encompasses all the necessary knowledge that might otherwise take an entire lifetime to figure out. I have faith that the few hours I'm putting into this course now will pay huge dividends for years to come! Thank you for this offering! ~ Delaney King, BSN RN

Hi, I’m Dan Richmond RN, BSN, CMSRN

I'm a two time University of Hawaii graduate, in 2006 with an ADN and BSN in 2009. I've been in nursing over 20 years first as a CNA, LPN, and an RN since age 22. I currently work part-time as a PICC and IV Specialist covering all Med-Surg and specialty units in the hospital.

I've received multiple awards and accomplishments for my work and leadership in nursing.

I’ve been engaged in entrepreneurial pursuits since I was a kid and bought my first piece of real estate when I was 18. I manage all my household's finances, I'm a long term investor, and know how to rapidly pay down debt.

I'm a published writer and my article on "Getting Certified" was a cover story feature for Med-Surg Nurse Life Magazine

I enjoy the nursing profession with no intent of leaving it.

Every year I work Part-Time, I've 600 more hours to do what I please. Every 3 years I've had the equivalent of one year off. 5 so far, I want to show you how.

Dan's Biography Continued

Professional Memberships:

  • Academy of Med-Surg Nurses
  • American Nurses Association
  • Infusion Nurses Society
  • Oregon Nurses Association

Nursing Experience

  • Med-Surg
  • PICC/IV Team
  • ICU
  • ER
  • Ergonomics
  • Nurse Educator
  • House Supervisor

Personal Finance

  • Homeowner
  • $200k+ debt eliminated. Mortgage only debt by choice.
  • Credit Score >800 over 10 years
  • Stock & Bond Investor 15+years
  • Real Estate Investor 20+ years
  • Saving & Investing $40k-$50k/yr or more for 10+ years.
  • Self-manage accounting, taxes, and investments.
  • Negotiator for multiple union contracts
  • Extensive board experience, including Treasurer and Chair
  • Cash buyer of major purchases like BSN, vehicles, boats, and RVs.

My wife has also been a nurse since 2009. We've done all this while travelling extensively and giving all of our hobbies their due, raising two small children, and mostly working part-time or less as nurses. We have no desire to leave the field and enjoy our work.